Sunday, December 18, 2011

Liz Keeps Getting Healthy!

Well shellow, interwebs and dear friends! I know it's been 100 years since I put a post up. Mainly because it turns out that "part time" at the craft store in December is 30-35 hours a week. In what universe is that part time? Whatever. So I'm at my internship 30 hours and at the craft store 30 hours. So it's been... busy.
This is me if I was the Hindu Goddess of busy-ness.
Here's the deal, dudes. I'm still down. I'm at 236.5. Here's what my life looks like lately: I get up, got to LSS or the clinic, get home, go to the craft store, go to sleep, repeat. I had a day off last Saturday and spent 11 hours baking christmas cookies to give as gifts. I haven't been to the Y since basically the late 1990's. But it doesn't seem to matter, since I'm still losing weight, if super-duper slowly! Hooray! So mostly the moral of the story is, I'm just plugging away on low power. 
I'm a tiny little turtle!
Hooray! So lots of people have been writing and asking if I was ever going to keep having a blog. I love my blog. It's adorable. I have the cutest blog ever. The Christmas craziness is done at the craft store after Christmas and I'm done at LSS after January 6! After that, who knows what will happen. Maybe I'll get a new job! Maybe I'll just spend some time with myself getting healthy and still working at the craft store. Who knows! I know I won't be working 60 hours a week. That's what I know for sure. Also, I know I've been on a slow, slow, slow downward trajectory. I also know it's almost my favorite holiday! 
Best. Holiday. Ever.
Everyone knows that New Years' is a the bestest time to do new and awesome things. New Years Day is the best day of the year. Everything is crisp and clean and  new and awesome. I don't think I've ever kept a new years resolution. Except maybe last year when I resolved to get married, but of course I was already engaged. I know it's ridiculous to make new years resolutions-- no one keeps them :) But I think it's important to try it. Also, I will have TIME!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Depressing Post?

Hello interwebs! This is a brief update to let you all know what I'm up to! Adding workouts into my day has been a slow process. I am still going to yoga class every week! This is a big deal! I was also down to 238.5 on Monday!

Otherwise, sweet interwebs, I will be honest, as I try to be. I have been struggling in general, not just with weight loss. Not knowing what's going to happen in January and feeling very burnt out have been taking a toll on me. I find myself feeling unexplainably angry, jaded, and generally negative. We had a particularly interesting meeting today in which my negative feelings became very apparent and problematic. Most of you know me and know that this is not my typical way of being. I try to be grateful for my experiences. I wake up almost every morning ready for the day; or I used to. Feeling out-of-sorts in a mental health way has for sure stunted my weight-loss. It has stunted my therapy as well, which is even more concerning.

So the question becomes: What's the plan? What do I do from here? How do I bring myself back around into being productive, cheerful and grateful? I think making myself exercise. I think eating better. I think spending more time being positive with my friends and family.

Maybe I just need some support. <3