Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sickliness and a Link

No sooner did I pen the last LGH post than did my penchant for getting hellacious sinus infections kick in with a vengeance.  For the past week-ish, it's been difficult to breathe while laying on the couch much less exercise-- so LGH has been on a bit of a hold.

Here's what I will say, though:

1. Thank you for all of the support you left on my last entry, it made me feel so happy and so motivated.
2. I'm making better food choices and I'm off burritos again.  Do you think they make BA? Burritos Anonymous?
3. Here is a link I think you will enjoy:



  1. Feel better Liz! We're chomping at the bit for your next post!

    Here's a link I found:


  2. .....Spring is here! Time for more healthy stuff?
