Sunday, June 30, 2013

An Unintended Consequence: Joy.

Well helloooooo out there, friends! I know I am terrible about blogging. As I've mentioned before. I could blog every day, but it seems boring... "I ate golean cereal again!" "I was on the treadmill for 30 minutes and on the crosstrainer for 30 minutes! I did wall-push-ups!" Except I'd write that every single day and everybody would get bored.

So, of course, today I have something specific to say, which is this: I NEVER thought that I would ever even get to this point, team. I mean, T. Swift style, never ever ever.

Never, ever, everrr!
But yesterday Me and T and my bestie and his bestie did a 5k. People do 5ks all the time. We didn't even run the whole time, but I experienced something completely bizarre-- Joy. With my friends, out in the sunshine, getting splashed with color and just moving around made me so happy.

I have no doubt in my mind that 4 months ago, I  might have enjoyed the color part of it-- but I wouldn't have been able to run with my friends, not even a little bit. I might have even gotten cranky about it. Not so.
I am not in good enough shape yet that I can run a 5k (I just very recently succeeded in running 1/2 a mile without stopping and it nearly killed me, so do with that what you will) but we did run, and dance, and skip and chase each other like little kids and I had a blast.

I've never run around with impunity-- literally not even when I was a little kid. I didn't play tag on the playground-- I knew I would lose, and ever since I was little, it just seemed silly to play a game I knew I would lose. So teensy Liz never liked exercise. Somehow adult-Liz has learned what child-Liz could never quite grasp-- which is sometimes you do things for the pure joy of doing them. (To be fair, teensy-Liz loved swimming with a wild abandon and devoured chapter books, so it's not as though I was sitting there being cold and calculating my whole childhood, I just didn't generally run or move my body for the joy of being able to do so.)

Anyway. It was awesome. We're already hoping they come back next year, but we've already decided we'll be running the whole thing, like a whole crowd of bosses :)

 I've lost 46.5 pounds as of today, the end of my 4th month of this exciting journey. I'm really excited to hit the 50lb mark, but more excited to start hitting milestones I've never seen before, like:
  • Weighing Less than My (6'4", Male) Spouse 
  • Not Being Obese Anymore, Ever
  • I Can Run a Mile and I'm Not Even Dead!
  • I Couldn't Even Wear These Pants in High School
I'm sure you all agree these are admirable goals.

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