Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Scale Mentality

How I am right before I step on the scale, hoping to break my 4-day plateau:
(that's "I know it's today" from Shrek the Musical-- the sad story of how Princess Fiona waited in a tower for 8423 days and stayed sane by repeating to herself "I know it's today.")

And this is how I am when the scale comes up with the same number (237.5 for those of you keeping track) for the fifth day in a row:

Really? Really. Really.
And then I sigh, take my shower and go about my calorie-counting, stair-climbing, gym-going day. I keep telling myself it's inevitable that I'll get stuck occasionally but DANG, do I hate this plateau business. Honestly I would feel better if I had to come on here and tell you all that I messed up and ate like six cakes. Then at least I would feel like it made sense.
I miss Allie Brosh.
But, sweet internets, I haven't binged since February. I've exercised every other day and lots of times way more than that-- still no loss of any kind in 5 days.

Le sigh. I can't healthily eat any less food than I do so it's more movement for me! NO EXCUSES!!!

What do you do when your results come to a standstill?

PS: Yes, I do know that I weigh myself too often. I have been told this multiple, multiple times by many, many people. I would have to make T literally hide my scale not to weigh myself in the morning. It's compulsive. It's just part of how I roll, team. 

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