Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Good break, team! Now let's get back at it!

Hi everyone! If you're here you've been roped back into what we all can pray is the final round of Liz Gets Healthy. I won't be posting as aggressively or asking for followers this time-- I'm doing it because it's helpful for me to reflect on what I'm doing. Reflecting honestly is one of the best things I can do for myself. So here we are, team.
Somehow I keep taking the exit that leads me back here. Weird.

You might be asking yourselves: What's different this time? What's the big theory?

There is no big theory. It's the same old theory. It's calories in calories out. Pure, delightful science. Yes, of course we can get more sciencey and say that I can't eat 1500 calories of cheesecake every day and expect to be a healthy human being. But for real. That's the science.

Thanks to Zedrin on DeviantArt for reminding us that even ponies love science!

It's telling myself this short list of things every day:

A, Don't Binge Eat, Seriously.
B, Move Your Butt, Seriously.
C, Regarding A and B--- NO EXCUSES.

Babies can weight train-- I can do 45 minutes on a treadmill.

I think this is the conclusion I had to come to. I can pin it to a moment a few weeks ago when I realized I had literally no valid excuse not to exercise. I have no valid excuse not to eat well. I'm a weird human being and I actually like vegetables and fruits a LOT. Why don't I eat them? Why do I instead eat ridiculous amounts of pasta, rice and sugar? Why? Because YOLO?!

Posted without comment. ;)
There is no excuse for 10 birthday cake oreos.

There is no excuse for not exercising for 3 months.

There is no excuse for an entire Qdoba burrito.

Do you guys like how I shamelessly steal random pictures from google images?
Me too.

So, that's the update there--  but there is good news! I did wait awhile before I started blogging again-- that means some great changes have already been made. Two steps have been taken in particular.

1) T and I have promised each other we're going to exercise Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (NO 'SCUSES!!!) and have been very successful so far! When it comes to exercising, I've discovered that I like to read on the treadmill-- I don't spend a lot of time just watching TV (if I watch a show it's probably with a computer on my lap or on my computer) so just watching TV doesn't keep my attention very well. But I've found that having my nook and reading while I walk makes the time FLY by. :)

Holy snacks these are actually kind of terrifying, huh?
2) Even though we are on a TIGHT, SEVERE budget-- we made an investment. I now am the proud owner of a little piece of equipment called a "FitBit." It clips inside my bra (yes, there's still a little bit of space in there... I know, I know) and tracks all of my motion. With the information I gave it (my age, weight and gender) it knows how many calories I've burned. The other brilliant thing about it is that when I track my food in real time-- it tells me how much more I can eat that day based on how much motion I've done.

It's much smaller than this picture... it's like cereal, maybe they enlarged it to show texture?
For instance: It give me both a calories consumed and a calories burned goal every day based on the weight I put in for the morning and the amount of weight I want to lose per week (1.5lbs). But it does a lot more than that. If at noon, for example, I've burned a bazillion calories and not eaten enough food-- it tells me. Here's what it looks like right now:

So looking at this-- I CAN HAZ CHEESBURGER!
Just kidding. I hate cheeseburgers.

 If I update my food in real time, it literally helps me keep my metabolism at the best rate. Plus it is SUPER adorable and fun. This is a screenshot from my actual "Dashboard," for today.

That's right. I climbed a big 'ol high dive. (I did stairs on each of my breaks today... my work is a big 'ol tower)
So is this just something ridiculously shiny that I will get bored of? NO!

I will tell you why:

Because NO @#$@#$ EXCUSES!

Also I love you all. If you read this whole thing you still believe in me at least a little bit and that's pretty cool.

I'm off to the gym!


  1. So proud of you, Liz! We make ourselves very vulnerable when we blog about our goals, and so I applaud your bravery of putting it back out here for us to see. How can I help you with this goal? (mostly I want to know if/how I can bust in on your and T's exercise dates.)
    - Holly

    1. Holly! You most certainly can come along for our "NO 'SCUSES!" exercise dates! Kyle comes with us pretty frequently. We go in the evenings on Tuesday and Thursday and at fairly random times on Saturday and Sunday-- Thank you thank you for your support! :)
