Saturday, March 30, 2013

Progress = Yes

Well hello, LGH team! I thought I would write you a little post to let you know that things have been going pretty darn well over here.  Honestly I don't have a lot to write about because:

A) I eat between 1200-1500 calories per day. This doesn't vary hardly at all.
B) I exercise almost every day but for sure on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
C) I am down 11 pounds since I started on March 3.

I make beautiful food, I try to do new things at the gym. I just dug out my blender and made THE MOST delicious smoothie I've had in a long time (lemon yogurt, vanilla breakfast drink powder, vanilla almond milk, half a banana, 1 ounce of blueberries and 1 ounce of raspberries---- I suggest it)

It's not that I don't like making a blog-- it's more that I'm trying really hard to limit my sedentary time. . Writing blogs requires me to SIT.

So between not having too much to tell you (unless you all are very curious about what exactly I ate every single day and what exercises I am doing precisely--- which-- I guess I would be happy to share) and trying really hard not to be on the computer for too long, I won't be blogging as much in the coming weeks. I will still blog when I think of something cool, but it won't be a weekly deal.

You all are awesome. :)

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