Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 Worst Things and 1 Okay Thing about being FAT

So it's not a surprise that there's a blazilliom bad things about being fat. I could name 300 more, but I want to focus here on the 5 worstmost things. I'm not sure if these are the worst things for my dear friends who are also bigger folk, but these are the ones that are worst for me! This is GREAT motivation for more changes.

5. My body is part of a Controversy. I discussed this the other day, but it's the bipolar weirdness surrounding the whole weight issue. It's the war between the extremes of (This link is NOT Safe For Work NSFW. It has artistic nudity) Adipositivity  and (This link is totes safe) Fat Hate. It's the weirdness that is calling this woman "Plus-Sized."
I'm confused about what's Plus about her Size?
I don't like being big because I can never decide whether I should just love myself the way I am, or I should feel really, really uncomfortable in my own skin.  So sometimes I feel like people should look at me, think I'm beautiful and give me attention, and other times I can't believe people aren't putting pictures of me up on the internet to make fun of me. It's bizarre. If I was a "normal," size, being a shape wouldn't be such a controversy. That's what it feels like-- my body is a controversy.

4. Clothes are Hard to Find! Has anyone ever seen those atrocious shows, where they give someone a clothing makeover? In those awful shows, they're always saying "Big people should wear black. Big people should wear layers. Big people should wear solid colors."  Here's the first five things you see when you click on "Tops," on the Lane Bryant website.
The people designing for Lane Bryant are clearly not watching the same godawful style shows as I am.
Let's be real. If I wore any of those patterned shirts, I would look like a COUCH. Also, sleeveless, short sleeved? What is the DEAL? I understand that most bigger folks probably just want to wear the same clothing as skinny folk do, just, you know, bigger. I DON'T. I want to try to look as neat and trim as I can. And that means not looking like a couch that should have gone to the side of the road in the late 90s.
She looks lovely... I would just feel like my Grandma's Davenport all day long.
On top of all of the clothes being... weird... (couchy and sleeveless) they're EXPENSIVE. I get that there's more fabric involved in Plus Size clothing, but... not that much? In two sizes I'll be back to "normal," clothing-- I don't understand why those two sizes mean a 40-50 dollar increase in the cost of my clothing?

3. I Don't Feel Cute. I have really adorable friends. Actually, my friends are absolutely gorgeous. We go to the bar, or wherever we go, and yes, I'm the married one, but I'm never ever the one that gets attention. No one is looking at me. I am not the one people would pick out of a picture and say "Who is she?" I think everyone has a desire to feel special in that way. But I just end up feeling like this poor lady:
This is Not the way I want to be picked out of a picture. 
However, Reason to Be Happy I'm Fat #1: Creepers never bother me. They're too busy bothering my hot friends.

2. I am Setting a Bad Example. You all know that we don't have kids. But I do have clients who are kids, a little sister who has WAY better exercise habits but similar eating habits and other people in my life whose kids will eventually notice that "Auntie," Liz is super-cool but makes bad health decisions. I don't want to explain to my children or anyone else's children why we still love people who are big but we try not to be big because it's not good for us. And I know chubby kids are cute, but it's a pretty clear that they aren't healthy little goobers.
"Why can't I have three more? Auntie Liz had 9!"

1. It's Totally Bad For Me.  
I don't even know what a renal IS... much less how it can fail?
I'm not going to bore you with how I want to live longer, don't want to die, don't want cancer. You get it. It's bad for me.

Anyone have reasons THEY don't like being big, or reasons they avoid getting big?


  1. This might be my favorite post yet. Quite possibly just because you used the word 'davenport.' You rock, I love you, you're beautiful! :)

  2. My kids at work ask if there's a baby in my tummy sometimes. One particularly hormonal day it actually made me cry.
    The boyfriend and I are looking for an exercise machine for the extra room, as we've noticed we have a bad habit of baking cookies and cuddling on the couch all night.
