Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Brand New Goals on Day 15!

Hello, friends, family, randos, and other wonderful folks of the internet! This marks two weeks since I started my blog-o-venture and the two week mark means reviewing my Tiny Goals-- having a discussion about what worked and what didn't, and adding brand new goals!

Yesterday was my last day of focusing on:
  • Tracking my calories and eating less than 2000 on exercise days and less than 1500 on non-exercise days
  • Avoiding burritos the size of my face and
  • Daily walks
Goals one and two were extremely successful-- Sunday we even went to Qdoba and I found something less caloric to eat! Self-control for the WIN! Daily walks did not go so well.
This is apparently what my brain was telling me the past two weeks
However, I started doing something different last week, which I think will become my new movement-related goal. The goal sort of became to exercise every day, but make sure it's a minimum of three days a week. Each exercise session is a full half hour of cardio (stretching doesn't add in). 

I've also decided to change up the way my goals work. I mentioned at the beginning I would have one food, exercise and "numbers," goal. This is now one Eating, one Exercise and one "Challenge," goal. I wrote about my eating goal for weeks 3-4 on Monday, but here's a fun rehashing along with the other two goals:

  • Food Goal: Make sure to get two vegetables and three fruits a day. Learn two new recipes to make veggies more awesome.
  • Exercise goal: MOVE every day.  Get a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio in 3 times a week. 
  • Challenge Goal:  Burrito avoidance continues (I believe this is going to be my only forbidden food). Along with (and this is a challenge goal hardcore) no pizza that I didn't personally assemble. I still get to eat pizza. I just have to make it myself. 
Okay, if Spongebob brings me pizza, I'll eat it.

On this, the first day of the third week, I want to thank everyone for all of their comments. This process is only going to get harder. Seriously. I really appreciate all of the love and support! Go LGH!

I also have one more goal I want to share with you, internets, this one is kind of a surprise.

Since I want to:

  • Learn how to cook and bake better
  • Finish my thesis
  • Write a book
  • Exercise more
I've decided to give up hulu and netflix for the month of November AND I have decided that I'm entirely unplugged from the internet one day a week. That day this week is Saturday. Unplugging and not watching TV via my computer will really really really decrease the time I spend on my butt. And that's always a good thing :)


  1. I continue to be so proud of you, Bestie! The goals you've made are extremely possible (I mean, hello, let's look at how awesome you did the first two weeks!)! Also, I know deciding to unplug yourself was probably not easy, so if you get bored or antsy on Saturdsay, call me and we'll do something healthy AND fun! :) Love you, Lizzy! :)

  2. Put veggies on things you do like! Like put cauliflower or (not canned) mushrooms on pizza, or zucchini and spinach in lasagna. Or you can puree some veggies and mix them with pasta sauce.
    For other ideas, you could maybe look in a vegetarian cookbook, and then add meat to the recipes if you want to.

    Seriously Liz, you're inspiring. Keep it up.

  3. I've often thought that an Online TV Hiatus would do me a lot of good, considering how much I watch. Honestly, it seems a little scary though, because I wouldn't know what to do with myself. OK, I would know what to do, but who wants to clean when you can watch TV? But I've always recognized that this was a bad habit that perpetuated a sedentary lifestyle. I think I just need to start slow, maybe with just one day. How did you manage to quit cold turkey? Has it been easy to avoid so far?

    By the way, you are totally awesome, amazing and inspiring! I love reading your posts on my breaks at work. They help to remind me that my own goals for weight loss are pointing me toward a better future, one that doesn't just have to center on getting skinny, but more so on overall well-being and self confidence. I love love love you!


  4. P.S. Let's make pizza sometime! I also love to cook, but just don't do it often enough.
