Thursday, November 3, 2011

Struggling on Day 16

Today's entry is depressing, so every time I whine, I have inserted a picture of something that makes me smile.  Please be prepared for this post to be utterly nonsensical. Thank you.

Yesterday, I struggled. I backslid.

I struggled with eating. I struggled with stress. I struggled with completing the things I needed to get done.

I ate too much. I didn't exercise. I worried about my thesis.

I got down on myself. I got stuck in a shame cycle. I was a Debbie Downer at dinner.

I thought to myself: Some days are just going to be bad. One bad day doesn't ruin everything.

And I tried to listen to myself. I am trying to be kind to myself.

Today is a brand new day. Today, I am going to do better, because I can do better, and I am stronger than this nonsense. I am stronger than I think I am. People believe that I am stronger than I believe I am.

Here are some pictures that cheer me up and hopefully they will make your day better too!

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