Monday, October 24, 2011

Day Six: Bringin' it Back.

Good afternoon, Interwebz! Sorry I didn't write this morning, I had an early meeting and exciting stuff to do! So, therefore, THE UPDATE. Yesterday Tarver and I went to the YMCA with Kyle and got alllll signed up. We also exercised! It was wonderous! Having rediscovered my little iPod shuffle and my exercise playlist, I was all set to go! I need some headphones that don't fall out of my head as easily. We also went over to Rachael and Andrew's house last night and they have memberships too!  Stay tuned for other excitement.


  1. It is awesome to hear that you're doing this for yourself. If you need something as little as me to post a motivational quote on your Facebook wall every once in a while I'd love to! Or even something as easy as a work out plan. You can go online and find magazine subscriptions to womens health and shape for as low as $4.00 for the year-- those always have great, easy, workouts! Most of all your "little goals" will go a LONG way!! Good luck to you, girl, and I will be more than happy to help in any way I can!!! I'm cheering for you!!

  2. I love my headphones, they wrap around the back of my ear and don't fall out. They even came with the Joel-Master-of-Sound Stamp of Approval.
