Day three is an exciting one. Yesterday I figured out how to enable comments on the blog so that anyone can make a comment, hooraaaay! So please do, it's really helpful. The comments actually come to my cell phone when you post them and one day one might prevent me from eating a swiss cake roll or convince me to go exercise. So thank you for your comments so far!
This morning I weighed in at 244 again. I'm at peace with that considering that last night I went with my family to pizza. Today we have a lot of excitement and I expect to get a good walk in as my sister is visiting and we're going SHOPPING. :)
In unrelated-Liz-news, I'm going in for a job interview at a craft store this morning, so wish me luck! <3
Luck! Also, I have found from my experience that the consequences of exercise don't reflect on the scale until two days after - my body needs time to eliminate the by-products of all that fat-burning. Hope that helps.